Friday, August 24, 2012

END OF SUMMER {Beginning of School}

We had an exceptionally warm summer in OH this year, very thankful to have put the pool in last Fall and enjoyed it sooo much this summer.  The girls have become proficient swimmers and frankly, got tired of it towards the middle of this month.  Not me though.

Spent the last week before school started with them, shopping, swimming (alittle), fishing, festivaling, lazing about; just enjoying the dog days of summer.

We went to the Main Street Festival in an adjoining town and both girls rode some rides and got their faces painted.  What a joy THAT was to get off them...

Yes, there was a bit of pizza mingled in...

Baba had taken them fishing early in the week and they had caught MANY fish!  Well they wanted to go again so I ventured along.  We didn't have the same kind of bait and the fishing wasn't so good, but they had a great time and I was amazed how well they can cast.  I never perfected that move, its like throwing a frisbee, can't do that either!

The above were from round 1...

and these ^ were from round 2, not so successful!

The following day, the girls went back to school...SECOND GRADE!!!
We have a new superintendant and he was riding on their bus when it came, so they got their picture in the local newspaper as well...pretty cool!
 They were up and ready to roll, there were no tears this year and no looking back!

 Even old Zeus made the trek across the street to wait for the bus!

What a blessing these girls are to me, even though some days are difficult, I am so thankful they are in my life! 

As an FYI, Livi is having surgery again on October 5, it is called Pollicization, where they rotate her index finger and drop it down to make a thumb.  We are not going into this lightly and feel it will enhance the use of her hand.  She is excited and understands, and wants to have this done.  Please pray for the surgeons hands to be guided and for her healing!

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Your girls are just lovely. I always loved fishing with my dad.

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