Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Culinary Delights

My two guys have ventured "off the island a few times to get the real feel of China, like Anthony Bourdain.  So today we ALL went across the big bridge for lunch in search of a noodle shop and found a little restaurant full of locals.  You know the deal, when in Rome....so we went in hoping for some noodles.  It was truly a Chinese restaurant. We picked our meal by the pictures and not a soul spoke our language.  Ended up with some awesome green beans stir fried in some sauce, a bowl of noodles and the main dish, fish stew.  We didn't realize that was what we ordered, but whatever.  It really wasn't bad, if there were no bones...and for some reason, on a dare, Zach ate one of the eyeballs...yikes!  All in all it was pretty tasty, but I have to say I was very nervous "over there". 

Olivia continues to amaze us with how easily she is fitting in.  There is that whole language barrier, but Bern is working hard to speak Mandarin to her and she just talks right back...its so cute because we have no real clue what she is saying.  She is repeating our English and is very clear about what she does say.  I expect she will be fluent in no time.  She is eating well and sleeping well too.  Prayers for this to continue are greatly appreciated!  I know it will be hard for her once she is completely away from here and that makes me sad. 

Abigail continues to be a good big little sister to her, even though jealousy is there at times and sleep comes way too early for all of us. 

Tomorrow we go back to the Civil Affairs office to finalize our paperwork. We've sort of been on free time as the last few days were a holiday similar to our Memorial Day and we have a bit of cabin fever.  It'll be good to get out a bit.  We'll get some more pictures up soon, promise!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Just opened your blog and loved reading your warm and fun stories....I'll keep sending positive thoughts and prayers that this continues, wonderful pics and what a beautiful little angel. Tell Abby and Zack we said Hi too! Jordan cant wait to meet Miss Olivia and of course play with Miss Abigail! Jordan loved the stories too and you should have seen her face with the eyeballs.....enjoy my a friends and know we are so excited for all of you!

Selena said...

My little Chloe is tiny and smart (size 8). JoJo is already a size 6/7 and there are four years difference. I think our Nanjing babies are bigger than other Asians on average. Right now they are just fine with the way God made them. Now when they start sharing clothes.... (: Olivia sounds wonderful. I'm glad none of you have gotten sick.

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