Friday, April 29, 2011

Momma, Mommy, Mom

I've made the transition with Olivia through the list above.  Actually she hears Abigail and copies her.  Who knew those names could be so annoying???

The struggle around home right now is that we just don't have two of EVERYTHING.  I was warned about this {Brenda} but am seeing it first hand.

It ranges from things like a bicycle helmet, kids sunglasses to one child having LOOOOONNNNG hair that can be put into a bun and one having very short hair that really can't {well, it did}.  We have this antique rocking chair that was my aunts when she was a little girl...well, let me just say, its VERY popular suddenly and I wish we had another :).

Day two of school went well again; wish I had pictures but the 45 MPH+ winds prevented that.  Thought Olivia was going to fly away, what with the backpack and was comical seeing her excitement to ride the bus for the first time coupled with the fierce wind pulling her tiny body away...

The girls are getting along well, for the most part.  No real fighting, just some whining.  I'll take this gift, and thank the Lord for all of it.  Sometimes its hard to remember what a blessing this really is, but we are getting is good.


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