Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sick Sick Sick

My hubby always says colds come from stress.  What does he know???  So, last week I started feeling crappy and developed a pretty healthy sinus infection.  I mean to tell you, this thing laid me OUT!  I've been hoarding my vacation time for travel and FMLA and HATED to have to use it but, I had to!  The headaches, the snotty nose...well, you get the picture...and you know what?  Maybe he's right...there's a lot of stress built up in these here muscles and nerve endings!  I need to try not to control every.single.situation in my life and let God do His thing...TRUST!!! 

My Abigail was sick with me, hers of the strep throat variety, poor baby...she gets these ugly cold sores from the fever...eek!  I've certainly painted a lovely picture, haven't I?  And for the record Sarah, it has NOTHING to do with living in Ohio :)

So, in trusting God and His perfect timing, I'm thrilled to report that:

1) I'm feeling a little better every day and so is Ab,  and
2) our paperwork has wound its way to the Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs (Article 5 for you "in the know" folks) and we are already on Day 6 of the count to Travel Approval...who knew? 

Can you see the pressure lifting?  Can you feel it?  I CAN!  We better start where is that list?????


SARAH said...

IT'S OHIO!!!!!!!! Not stress! I swear! Think about changing states! You will see what I mean! You will never get sick again! Ohio is the virus state of America! HA HA HA!

On another note, my girls just love Abby to death. They were so cute playing together, they got along the whole time, they had so much fun.

Selena said...

Hope you're both almost over it now. I've been praying for your family. Love you.

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